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Everything posted by eSkiSo

  1. Visit the downloads section of the website.. download here: http://cod4cc.com/modules.php?name=Downloa...getit&lid=8
  2. New Link Here
  3. COD4CC Client Version 1.1 released! >>> Download New Version This is not the Official release yet, because i want to test the UCON bugs first. Whats new: -Added Setup Server for PBBans -Added Setup Server for PunksBusted -Added Live Chat Monitoring (PBUCON) PS: Clicking on CHAT will now take 2 seconds to load the first time.
  4. Just added a new feature that will be on the next release...
  5. Thats GOOD to ear.. nice to know people like our work. BTW: Daemon help http://www.eskiso.org/cod4cc_daemon_help.htm
  6. I will do a HTML file explaining How To in a few hours.. The new daemon version 0.3 is out.
  7. COD4CC v1 IS OUT! Fixed 'MP' Bug -> MP Level not working (dawm spaces) Fixed 'No Cursor' on "Start Server" -> No hand cursor showing on Start Server button Fixed/Updates Banned List -> Parsed list now not showing the '^5Punkbuster Server:' thing Added PB Restart function -> Restarts Punkbuster Added Bad Name -> Kicks anyone that uses a defined "BAD NAME" Added Bad Name List -> Shows you the list of Bad Names Added New Maps Previews -> Map previews now also showing for new maps! Still working on the PBUCON.. for some reason still cant get it to work properly. Download here: http://cod4cc.com/modules.php?name=Downloa...getit&lid=6
  8. You are probably downloading the old one... Download this one http://cod4cc.com/modules.php?name=Downloa...getit&lid=4
  9. Glad you guys like it! :)
  10. ~In this case i can rely on the pbss.. its a multi hack hided the hash so it isn't against rules
  11. Hi there yesterday i banned a player for using a multi hack. the problem is that he is not showing up on PBBans recently banned (or even the cod4 banned list) My server : And it is streaming... i banned the guy via Punkbuster ban
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