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  1. We were playing some peeps on server and they were looking pretty strange how they played so we mentioned something and then he used a command that i SS that then crashed our Cod4 server .. Any way to stop this ?? The nuggets name was = MHARD!J.Hova
  2. hello i have messed up my pb config file pbsv.cfg by trying to run GGC stream and i would like a unmodified version of this file if possible. The files i replaced or uploaded for ggc are as follows :- pbsv.cfg pbsvuser.cfg pbucon.use randomss.cfg spam.cfg Do i need any of the files above to re upload ? .. i want my pb back to basic how it was before i messed up lol .. .. after uploading this we all get lots a lag and errors "Cvar clientsideeffect" errors. Thanks in advance
  3. hello i have messed up my pb config file pbsv.cfg by trying to run GGC stream and i would like a unmodified version of this file if possible. The files i replaced or uploaded for ggc are as follows :- pbsv.cfg pbsvuser.cfg pbucon.use randomss.cfg spam.cfg
  4. heres another player using aimbot . i fraps a player this week exactly the same actions and he is now banned lol . =PH=RolandSpear .. shooting people not even in visible range . hes on tower killing ppl at docks flag. you see his gun flicking from target to target and shooting instantly . . i have also taken a screenshot of when i got talking to him and i said i would get him on pbbans lol .. he said bet he dont .. just after he told me on SS where he got the hacks from .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ophQ562zx8 << quick video SS of what he said below. SS REMOVED.
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