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  1. The server is streaming to you guys, because while playing on it, I always see the "Soandso banned for Violation 9001" hub messages.
  2. Greetings. I took a demo of someone suspected of wallhacking. Can I submit this for review or do I have to be the server admin of the server this was taken from?
  3. I am constantly being accused of binding attack to scroll wheel because I can fire my G3 almost as fast if I did use scroll wheel. I say almost, because it is just a tad slower. I am not sure why people think that because left clicking is not that hard, even with a G3 to fire it pretty fast. I wish more server operators would have the cvar check in there so people would leave me alone about it.
  4. Not necessarily. For some people that have alot of skill at this game and play on pubs, they will have a much higher kill/death ratio than your average player. Any solid competitive clan player on TWL, Cevo, CAL, etc will overpower most public players on pub servers. 9 times out of ten, they will be accused of hacking from the pub player that runs down the middle of the street in plain view, or stands in a window for minutes on end. These same pub players will then go to the exact same spot, every single time and become so predictable, it isn't funny. Now, as a player you can only contact server admins and ask if there is something you could do about a suspected player and see how they respond. Other than that, until you have your own server, start streaming, there isn't much else you can do.
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