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Everything posted by Desseloch

  1. Then this IP is not allowed to have PBBANS or only the game Server ? On the same IP there are other customers.
  2. Why ? they are testing your protection and when it works they will lost an Original Key by your ban ... I think is good to protect their server. They want only play without cheaters on their servers not more ... How can I help them to set correctly the streaming ? Can you link me any tutorial please ? NB: don't delete their server from your DB , my request is for HELP and not to BAN them...
  3. Dear PBbans staff, one BC2 server of our customer is correctly streamed but they tested his protection by playing with a different Key using Aimbot. The result: The player with aimbot can play without any problem. My question is: Did they miss some step ? Are there problem with your stream about aimbot ? If is possible I'd like to solve this issue by email. Kind Regards, Cristiano
  4. I know ^^
  5. I've found the problem! This file pbns_c.dat created by Evenbalance modify my PB settings on my PC, and it forces that the IP is banned than the client cannot play there forever. The problem doesn't exist because this server is Orginal and this file must be check which server is original o not !!! I've removed it and the server works fine! "Original Server" Is not correct by Evenbalance to create a dat file on my PC to BAN an IP, becuse on this file I can write "Don't play there because ... bla bla"; any way to prevent cracked server it's better that this file write IP+Port and not only the Main IP. This is a big problem to solve early! (A.S.S)Banshee yes, different port ^^ imanutter I'm sorry but isn't the correct way to ban the GSP main IP !
  6. Hi I'm Desseloch, timetofrag.com owner I've a big problem with your database. Two days ago I've found my main IP ( ) banned by PB. I've found a cracked server, modified by customer. I've opened a TT on www.evenbalance.com but I've not answer. Now the server is down, but original. If I search the server on your DB doesn't exist: Server was not found My question is: Why did you ban the Main IP and not only IP:port ? If you ban the main IP all my 40 cod4 servers ( Orginal ) are banned, I think it's an incorrect form. I hope that is a big Iusse to be solved. I'll wait your answer. Regards, Desseloch TimeToFrag - Owner web: www.timetofrag.com
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