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Everything posted by Silence

  1. I don't have a server :blink: someone misunderstood something :D
  2. sooooo... he just acts like? :blink: :blink: (a.k.a FLAMER) | | v
  3. Do you know what for beautiful binds he has :) This server is going to be reported to PBbans... This player is going to be reported to PBbans... . . . I don't care if he is 40+ years old he acts like he is 11 -.-(and sucks at FPS games....every one of them) I've already got problems with him in january this year on cod4...We had a CB and they just started to cry after the 5th round and than left:D There still are decent players in sLOVEnia :) but he isn't in those ranks xD
  4. Ok I play on a cod2 server and there comes this Master.D(pbbans name) and after I kill him a few times he start with pbbans and how I cheat and reporting and and and... The most important he goes on every server and if he doesn't like it he just start with his "I'm a admin on pbbans...." everyone start to leave cuz he is so anoying Does everyone get such an important place if he wants to? and than he got kicked due to multihack :P dunno if this is admin abusing but its so anoying....
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