I have applied for an account but it was denied because you could not get on the forum. I think its because when i put our website address i forgot to put www. in front of it. How can i get in to rectify it.
I have tried to apply for a new account, but when i do i get a message telling me i am already approved as an admin. It also gives me a link to a post in the forum but when i click on it i get an error msg telling me that the post cant be found. Any help would be appreciated.
I used be an admin for my old clan TSO the sly ones. My Account was 2967. I have left this clan and i am now in another clan. we play bf2/aix and BFBC2. could my account be restarted or do i have to apply again.
Thanks Cyborg5053.
I set up a streaming account when i was in my old clan called Uk Warfare. I have left this clan and i had the details changed to my new clan called =TSO= . The problem is now when an admin of my old clan tries to set up a streaming account it tells him that an account for Uk Warfare already exists. Could you help please.
Many thanks cyborg5053 =TSO=