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Everything posted by OPTIMUSPRIME

  1. *edit* the private forums are a better way to go about this PM sent to OP -mags
  2. Hello PsB, Been a long good to see you're still taking the fight to the hackers. I was looking around and couldn't' find what I was looking for. I'm need some help with a demo review of a player. I know we can't ban off it, but I need a set of eyes that can make a call on a player. Is that something you can do here? Please let me know ty Prime.
  3. Hi guys long time member of PBBANS I'm freaking pissed about this! Total outrage! Hackers already have a clear advantage over clean players this will only give them more of an advantage!
  4. I myself would like to take the time to say THANK YOU TO THE PBBANS STAFF you guys are outstanding and I can't really say enough good words about you guys! As for the site it is very easy to find almost any thing you want. I can't really see any way to improve, but I will add it does get flooded a lot because so many people here are active. Which is a good thing! :lol:
  5. I take it is a UK league?
  6. Hear hear m8 well said! I just hope others come here and start streaming. We speard the good word about all the AC sites so the option is there for anyone wanting it. The thing is with PBBans, PsB or AON we can come here and debate what we think. With PB you don't have that choice, maybe you should work for PB Fozzer seem like a good bloke to me bro!!! :lol: ;)
  7. That being said Fozzer, I would like to see a hard line stand on some of these guys. You make some great points in your post. The one I find kinda of lacking heart (not on your part but PB's) is a 2 min kick for cheating. To me this should be a GHB (Global Hardware Ban) or 3 times and then GHB. That would put a stop or a least make the hackers think about D/L'ing a program if they know they will be removed for good. I mean lets face it, it's all about money. We see SS's everyday someone cheating 100% guilty running charms/acid skin/aim bots etc etc. yet, what's going to happen to them, "nuts" they can't play on a streaming server.. :blink: I'm not knocking PBbans or PsB god bless them for all their great work, but let's say theres 10,000 servers for COD 4 how many are streaming to Psb, PBBANS, or AON they all stream to PB.Seems like the punishment isn't fitting the crime. (only using cod 4 because seems to be the hot game right now) As for streaming facts here's what I pulled up PsB Call of Duty 4 2879 servers streaming & PBbans COD 4 1,862 servers streaming. I did an Xfire query (yes I know is not a 100%, but close nuff) I hit 10,347 minus out the factors hackers still have 5,606 servers to play without any of them using updated ban list from sites like PbBans and PsB or AON. So the pudding still not looking so good to me. Now that's if someone where dual streaming what if someone is only using one service than the % goes down.. Pb should step up to the plate and start laying the hammer down on these hacks. IMO. I really don't see why they wouldn't, maybe I'm not seeing what you mean here. I showed them this yet, PB nor EA would do anything to said player one would say talk to the other and vise versa. What was the most disappointing to see a hacker keep playing while nothing happened to him. He was put on PsB ban list , but not PBbans so therefore by numbers alone he still had plenty of servers to pick from. Unless someone is cubed streaming PBBans, PsB, and Aon then the % goes down further and further, and less likely to be caught. Because when PB updates it does it in sweeps. Seems to be less and less. As for not running pb, just look at the SS above see how well it's working.. ;) the guy played for almost a year like this he just got a new guid and keep on playing. That's what I would like to see some GHB put on cheaters. I thought EB was Punk buster? I mean they are PB right, yet they don't take any SS of there on program? There are way to check to make sure the SS is not tampered with. From what' I've seen from my on experience with Pb all they doe is depend on Emails and a program. Other then that you will get nothing from them, as for experienced server admins how many players have that kinda of time to set up there servers for all the above stated PsB, PBBans, or AON? It does takes some exp. with FTP or auto MBL's that's a lot ask for some people. Mostly it's clans that do that stuff what about the guy who plays for fun? Which makes up a large % of players what about them? What do they do? (I would think they depend on PB to keep things clean) Lastly, as for the banlist don't we do most of that work? I mean we review the SS's right and vote on them. Then the admins here pass the info on to PB right? (Please correct me if I'm wrong) So don't we help them? Fozzer you make some great points in your post m8 I just going by what I've seen and dealt with from my own exp. I see your point as well, I know with out Pb, it would be like playing CS in the old days guys flying around pwning everyone. Sometimes I feel that way now.
  8. After reading PB statement I don't believe a word of it. If you want proof look no futher the our SS sectoins. Although most here are steaming, a lot of servers are not and we see everyday that people run charms and aimbot. In a live PB server, sure PB will get them soon than later but, as time has proven it's most of the time later than sooner. As stated by punkbuster sometime ago when I myself turn in a hacker with PB ss they don't take PB ss as proof. Tis a sad day when anyone just depends on PB. http://img1.putfile.com/main/11/31512340496.jpg As for YouTube, well again proof is in the pudding. It's not pretending like they have a hack, it is someone running a hack in a PB server. Thus, makiing Pb look bad hence the statement above. This is just what I think.
  9. 11:47:06 ^5PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Profile not added due to invalid specification (1 pbbanshub) could this be a problem I've went back and tried it all and still nothing.. Walking away from it come back fresh set of eyes.
  10. 9:34:58 ^3PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] ^3PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbanshub ^3PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) I used HLSW and set it up typed in the pb commands and double checked it got this back? So idk...
  11. I set up the first one no problem, but the 2nd server just doesn't want to work. Can someone please take the time out to look over my set and see if it's right. I know it can't be because the server is not streaming. Please hit me on xfire it's in my profile
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