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    In the name of Christ
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    Battlefield 2142
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. When i send the pb_sv_getss command where does the screen shot go? Where does it save it?
  2. duh - that was pretty easy

  3. Click on my name and under my avatar will be add friend.

  4. I have no idea how to add you as a friend. how do you do that?

  5. If you make it here add me as your friend.

  6. Thank you for the response. I have made the server streaming, and I show it streaming. I need to review some questionable players in my clan and need to search there aliases. Do I have to be a streaming admin?
  7. I am guessing from your response that I need to stream the server first before getting admin rights to the MPI indexes? I was under the impression that it was streaming. It is inactive right now is that why it is not streaming? Thanks again.
  8. I have applied for server admin for the in<C> server, but have not gotten a response. I do not know if some one else has admin rights to use there account on our clan. The only other server admin that might have setup is Quickcel. Thanks for a response in advance. Daine22
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