Hey we have a problem with a player on our server.
Our Battlefield 2142 server is the " -=KsK=- SUEZ CANAL ONLY 24/7 ranked i3d.net " with the IP .
The hacker's soldier name is " Dirty-Noob ". He uses a name hack, so that he can change the name of his soldier and we can't ban him with his real soldier name " Dirty-Noob " nor any other name. We already banned him a month ago with his real soldier name, but he can still join our server. Everytime he joins the server he has another name an he also glitches into containers, houses and even vehicles. He also insults our clanmembers and does things against every rule we have. We can't ban him with his IP, because his IP always changes. He really spoils the gameplay and I'm not shure if EA will do anything against him. He even said, that he hacks and glitches and that he had some trouble with EA.
Does anyone of you have an idea how to ban him? The only constant thing is his PID. We heard, that we can ban him, if we delete his old ban and than we have to ban him with his PID (92220464). Is that possible? If it is, can you tell me what we have to do? We especially need the correct comand for the r-con.