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Everything posted by Ramy16

  1. alright works like a sharm thx alot finepoints for your time and your help
  2. well...now the console appears but i still get the error: Error during initialization: No IWD files found in /main
  3. Hey guys, i'm trying to run a COD4 server but everytime i run it..i get error:No IWD files found in \main here's the target :"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +sets fs_game wilson +exec server.cfg +map_rotate +set sv_punkbuster 1 pls help me thx
  4. Hey guys, i'm trying to run a COD4 server but everytime i run it..i get error:No IWD files found in \main here's the target :"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" +sets fs_game wilson +exec server.cfg +map_rotate +set sv_punkbuster 1 pls help me
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