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  1. Hello Again Folks, today i present you Tribes 2 a great Multiplayer game with support to up to 64 players . Features and Background Set in a distante future the game have tons of weapons and vehicles, you get to fly bikes like the speeders from Star Wars, transport ships and assault tanks, most vehicles require two players, a pilot and a gunner. You also get a fancy suit with a jetpack included, the suit have variations like light,medium and heavy armored . The Torque game engine despite its age provides good graphics and wide open areas to fight, game modes varies from Siege to Ctf, in siege one team defends the base while the other tries to destroy it . Its worth the download anyway . Here are the download links, you must download the game and the Patch to connect to the online servers . Vu Games deactivated the authentication servers but the community created a new One . http://www.tribesnext.com/downloads This a community game, so by playing you keep the game alive, while im writing this post there are 49 servers online. Have Fun you All :)
  2. Hey there, here´s a great game that its now free and have multiplayer support The game is based on Command and Conquer Red Alert Features * Destroyable Buildings * Many Vehicles like tanks and Helis http://www.apathbeyond.com/ Download http://www.team-nx.com/downloads/apbcoldfusion.exe Patch http://www.team-nx.com/downloads/apb131patch.exe ScreenShots http://www.apathbeyond.com/screenshots.php
  3. Hello Everybody, since its not possible to update punkbuster i made an installer so everybody can have the update files with an automated installer . The folder is the updated one from pb bans . The installer copy the files to the Battlefield folder and then launchs the PBSV from EvenBalance wich install the punkbuster service and tests it . *removed dead link* After the install just remember to activate punkbuster inside the game
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