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Everything posted by cod4user

  1. I'm on ICQ (59906810) and AIM (defconn1981). Just today I caught someone cheating. Sadly no one cares in the game it seems. I have a demo with two spots where this person knows exactly where to shoot, and aims there perfectly, even through walls and such. I didn't know about the /pb_power but I used it on a 2nd demo and I think I got his info. Now I just have no clue where to send this information because the server I was on was supposed to be covered by punk buster but I can't find any website or anything. It was a pub server [CC] Command Central, User Joobie. Hopefully something can be done.
  2. How do I use that file? (sorry for being so difficult)
  3. Well it's pretty crappy that they would make a game where users can't do anything to stop cheating. No wonder there is so much cheating going on. Perhaps I shouldn't have expected so much from some console port. Oh well. Thanks to all who gave advice and were friendly about it.
  4. I figured I've been very clear in what I'm after. What can a user do? That's the basis of my post. What can I do? Anything? Nothing? Just encourage admins to stream? If that's the answer, then fine.
  5. How do you get in contact with an admin on a server? I've not seen any contact information anywhere. Am I missing something?
  6. I usually do, which is
  7. What's the proper way of making a demo? I think I know how to do it, but if someone could verify, that would be useful.
  8. Uh, I didn't say anyone specifically was cheating.
  9. But I'm not running a server, you see. I'm just a user, wanting to help out somehow because I'm sick of all the cheating.
  10. I didn't read the ToS because I'm not running a server nor am I running your server-side software.
  11. I've been trying to figure out a way I can report people I (highly) suspect are hacking. Some people with 2x or 3x more kills than the next guy with hardly any deaths. Others who, in killcam replays, have very jerky, robot-like aiming. Etc. I'm sure some of these people are really good, or have some crazy muscle control. But I'm pretty sure lots of them really arn't that skillful. (plus they usually start calling you 'noob' and swearing up a storm as soon as you even suggest they may be cheating) So, what can I do to report hackers or help PB ban more hackers?
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