:unsure: OK Boys and Girls :unsure:
ETpub 260b PB Server,no team damage;killing spree & hit sounds;adrenalen for all classifications except medics;kicks in at 1500 xp;and shows how much HP the player that kill has left.
The map was Goldrush,this axis medic gets hit by allies alltelery is thrown up in the air hits the ground starts shooting and sprinting towards three allies including me,that by the way are all shooting at him,I can't speek for the other guys but I know I was hitting him because I could her the headshot sound.So after all this medic went threw,without ever using a med kit still had 102 hp left.How is this possible?No way the guy had to be cheating.At the end of the map the guy had 99 kills and 13 deaths,than went on to message that it would have been at least 100 kill and less than 10 deaths if a noob with a flame thrower would have not been getting in this way.and then he was gone.
I've been playing ET.for about three years,ETwas the first online shooter I played.
have all the latest games but I still like to play ET.
I have never been one to care about making a video on any player but I guess now is a good a time as any to start.
The thing is,I'm not familier with that aspect of the game,the recording;viewing;saving; and posting of a video.
Is there a site someone can recommand that has this type of information.
Because here latley looks like cheaters are picking servers at random jumping in and killing anything that moves getting 30 to 50 or more kill without a death and then leaving or till they get voted off the server. Thanks chista88