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Everything posted by AeoNGriM

  1. Thanks, Blackwolf. I've forwarded the hacks to EvenBalance and GameViolations, should hopefully get a result from this. As for the demos, I'll get in touch with the server admin and have a word. Thanks again !
  2. Hi all, I was recently in a public server in which a player was using a Wall/ESP hack, quite openly admitting to doing so. Over the course of 4 map changes, I recorded multiple demos of blatant hacking and took several screenshots of the server PBGUID list with his GUID listed also. My question is, what is the best way to go about getting this person banned? Is there a section on PBBans that I can upload the demos and screenshots or would I be better off doing something different? As an aside to this, I got this person to add me on Xfire and send me 3 different Multi-hacks which he said weren't detectable by PunkBuster. I have already sent all 3 of these hacks to GameViolations.com, so if nothing else comes of this, at least there are a 3 fewer undetectable hacks out there. Appreciate your time, and very grateful for anyone that can point me in the right direction.
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