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  1. LOL mate i agree to you 100% percent, both cases identically of admin abuse! InNovaGames.es | TANAKA LA MECA DE LOS MULTI IP: Map: Wake Island 2007 24/7 well , me and my friend flying the cobra chopper , we were kicked "Reason" : make admin room lomao Server capacity is 24/24 That day with 8 free spaces , me and my friend flying the cobra chopper , we were kicked "Reason" : make admin room lomao , we back again to server! and we asked: And finally And admin called TANAKA garazi said us , that he payed the server and he dont tolerate , that me and me friend , continued kill him , lot of times OMGGGGGGGGGG!!!! THESE GUYS ARE A PATETHIC PLAYERS LOSERS LOMAO well a clear ADMIN ABUSE with wrong pathetic KICKED/BANNED "Reason" and the other Pathetic server is =BBUK= Wake Island 24/7IP: Map: Wake Island 2007 Admin BBUK MAX HUGHES Kicked/banned for stat pads, well , a medic giving medics packs, in carrier from a tk shooting FF, that guy called stat/padders , LOMAO ,and i think is coz i get the gold star, and he not lol? Very pathetics n00beds manners that kick a guy , coz hes better that admin! sad history well that server its plenty of hackers /cheaters , bug users , its normal is the 1st played server in UK , and this is a fresh meat for mostly hackers to test their infamous hacks lomao well i was in game someday when BBUK admins KICKED TnT GUYS CLAN MEMBERS , in GOlf of OMAN because they bbuk players were killed too many times LOMAO and one of TnT clan member said , well admits that u kicked me coz your angry , im better player like you , ......... and he said i kicked coz u killed me in pad ! LOL? BBUK called uncap baseraper in 600 Feet altitude ? LOMAO another admin abuse lame action from a guy that angry when skilled players kicking their asses a lot hahahahahaha i dont recommend anybody play in BBUK WAKE SERVER If u are a skilled good player , its very 90% of you acussed from hacker, or base rapper or another gaylord admin abused n00b lamer action lol BBUK clan members arent body-bags are Bodyn00bscummbags players lomao show respect skilled players and die n00bed admin abuse simple players Cheers lol
  2. Thanks you MaydaX for link very big info keep the good work guys cheers
  3. I supposed that from the beggining , Thank you Tim These 3 days after massive bans, admins server said me that my nickname , or guid is in the server banlist , but they lying me , well ok , in others words , i am not wellcome in that server, i dont know why, i always following the serevr rules; but its very bad covards action tell me you arent in banlist and not say me hey i was the admin that i rebanned you , REASON " ...." awaiting ......... In my town this called ADMIN ABUSE Well maybe i am a hard player to beat, and they are getting tired of die a lot... :-P I post my history here , for the 25 March bans,for info of the lastes 20 bans lifted but i understand pbbans can help me to that local ban server action again thank you TIM
  4. well i was playing like a normal day , and suddenly punkbuster kick/banned me like other players in the same server , one by one till 12 players , we didnt know what happened , and now our bans are cleared from MBI , but why my GUID and my nick isnt not in the Master Ban Index - Latest 20 Lifted Bans. 38 ban bf2 was removed , and the other 18 ??? not in tht list , but cleared from MBI , clarify me that please , cant understand it Btw using the ban guid or alias , my nick or guid is not MBI , so was cleared , well this is the strange situation.... i can play in servers , but why not in the SAME server that i was kick/banned when punkbuster gone CRaZy, and the rest of players that on 25 March was kick/banned before and after me , continue playing in SAME SERVER , But i canont; when i try to join server message is: You have been disconnected by punkbuster. the reason follows in english below: You have been BANNED from this server by Server Admin this is the only server that actually i cant JOIN to play !!! Its sound like i am in the server banlist true ? is an local admin kick using punkbuster via true??? long life evenbalance & pbbans staff great effort job cheers mate and thanks you
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