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Everything posted by Uthog

  1. Update your punkbuster. use this tool from evenbalance to do so: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  2. That is a clean shot, the "double crosshair" comes from moving, try it with a crosshair and laser sight u will see the lag when u move it allot. Atleast on my end.
  3. Harsh way to say this, but he caused it he needs to solve it himself. It is up to him to prove it we do not need to assist him. He raised an EB ban and now faces the results.
  4. If the people who are banned are indeed using a hack they will be banned again.
  5. An PBBans staff member will do this. Please have patient. It will happen asap.
  6. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    Yes and each new patch brings out different glitches/bugs to use.
  7. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    Woo patch 1.50 stills excist? i already made a piramide for it to burry it.
  8. Well i dont know any host in the US who is providing it as BF2AHD is a dutch project so not very know in the US.
  9. go and join the dutch hyves number 1 pedofil site in the Netherlands. young girls of 14-15 in only underwear:S and then the parrents find it strange there are getting more kids parents these days.
  10. Yeah even if you have them off you still have them right? So you should still be banned anyway.
  11. Uthog

    No fog bug

    Commit suicide and the game should return to normal :). Admins can ban for it though but it is a bug wich happens quite often.
  12. I want to thank you for all you have done for the gaming community. Although we dont really know eachother i still want to thank you! I hope to see you back soon! But RL must go first indeed. I hope it will work out in your life for you so you can join us again to kick some cheaters!
  13. A keylogger took your CD key and somebody cheated with it.
  14. 50% of the posters there are banned hackers. Keep up the good work!
  15. the program does work perfect we had more then 50 failled attacks when we runned it the 2 weeks we had it installed.
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-ranks-all.html :) Not the top 50 but the Top 10:P
  17. I had Black screenshots on 1 pc but after we updated the video drivers it where no longer black screenshots so if you try to update your drivers it can be gone.
  18. im a slam dancing rat who loves to infiltrate orca's and a diseased chick magnet who loves to conquer blow up dolls
  19. In the meantime. Join a PBBans protected server mate :).
  20. Uthog

    Name hack buster

    Indeed look at the ad, i removed the first link cause it is from another hosting companyxD
  21. Remember PBBans is being run by volenteers they dont gett paid or it and must live on the community's help io donating. As soon as i have some money on the paypal account i will see if i can gett some money your way:).
  22. A hammer and a chainsaw will do the trick GGC is still running btw:).
  23. Upload the banlist to keep the cheaters away:).
  24. Silly name hack buster:
  25. Heej en ik dan:P. Neej het is jammer dat schaapie weg is maar het is goed dat een andere goed staff lid het overneemt:)
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