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  1. tried the WT I think it is and was gtg on that one, so I can only hope its server stuff. Thanks again guys.
  2. you have been banned from this server by the server admin so hopefully just server side
  3. Bless you and sorry for the attitude at the start of all this. Is there anything else I need to do? Tried to go into a server and still says banned. That a server side issue?
  4. Hope so..fingers crossed..
  5. Just wondering...again not being mean, but how long or what else should i do in reference to a ticket with EB? Hate to keep adding to the ticket, but just wanting to know what is going on or if I should just take it and call it quits with gaming.
  6. Nevermind, guess it was just some server resets...back to banned again. :(
  7. Ok..not sure where to go again. Tried the usual servers I normally go to, and was able to get into a few, others not so lucky. Tried your server, the WT one I believe, and said I was banned from that, but I was able to access that one before but not the others. Checked the "lifted bans" area just for kicks to see if I was possibly lifted. I wasnt, but I noticed a *edit* was. Guess I can only wait for Evenbalance
  8. Yea yea, rub it in. :P But, just in case, for some darn dang reason its not, would it be possible to get any help removing whatever and wherever the thing that caused it?
  9. Cool, wasnt sure if that was "allowed". didnt want to step on any more toes than I already have.
  10. Me again, sorry. Getting a little confused as to whats the next step. Evenbalnce ticket is saying..from what I get from it, I shouldnt have a ban. Should be able to connect to a PB streaming server. But how is that possible when you guys need a ticket stating something along the lines of a "false positive". Updated Ticket Again, no arguing, fighting or whining, (figured that wasnt working) just trying to figure out the next step>
  11. standing by
  12. Sorry if it double posts or anything, Vers is 1.5.549..same as far as i know
  13. Ok...late here, and as a drill sergeant I need what little sleep I get. Mind if I try tomorrow night? Or not..just tried and i am getting the same You have been banned on this Server by the Server admin
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=63746 this what you are referring to?
  15. Got ya, wasnt sure if they were looking for particulars..too easy. Same thing i will type on the ticket, You have been banned on this Server by the Server admin.
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