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Everything posted by -=FL=-RED

  1. Hey, with the clans that I have been in over the past few years, the servers they had never used punkbuster, so it wasn't until I became an active scrimmer I noticed that everytime I go to a PB server it kicks me straight away. This is ANY Punkbuster server on the whole of Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory. When registering on these forums it told me to get unlimited access that I need rcon to a PB server, this is possible, I own a scrim server and would love to have Punkbuster on there, its 1 less job for me keeping hackers out etc., but this can't happen while every 30 seconds it kicks me. I was kicked again the other day and it gave me a list of violations such as rate settings etc. , I fixed those, it kicked me again but this time it had 0 violations. I don't understand what exactly 'communication failure' means, I have been told that it might be spyware on my computer that is failing to communicate with punkbuster, if this is the case, I would like to find out how exactly to get my anti-virus programs to allow punkbuster's in-going and out-going connectons. As an active scrimmer, it is essential that I can play on punkbuster servers, otherwise things are going to be very tricky. Thanks for reading.
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