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Everything posted by schnoog

  1. The pk3 only contains textfiles, no picture, no shader, only text: pb_nocdkey.cfg: set ui_finalURL "http://etkey.org" ui\popup_errormessage_pb.menu: #include "ui/menudef.h" // Defines // #define WINDOW_X 0 #define WINDOW_Y 0 #define WINDOW_WIDTH 640 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 480 #define GROUP_NAME "grpPopupError" // Macros // #include "ui/menumacros.h" // Error Popup // menuDef { name "popupError" visible 0 fullscreen 0 rect WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y WINDOW_WIDTH WINDOW_HEIGHT style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED popup fadeClamp 0.5 fadeAmount 0.075 onOpen { uiScript ServerStatus_diagnose ; setitemcolor background backcolor 0 0 0 0 ; exec "set cl_noprint 1;exec pb_nocdkey.cfg;set cl_noprint 0" fadein background } onESC { uiScript clearError ; close popupError ; open main } // Background // itemDef { name "background" rect 0 0 640 480 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED background "ui/assets/fadebox.tga" backcolor 0 0 0 0 visible 1 decoration } // Subwindows // #define SUBWINDOW_WIDTH 256 #define SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT 292 #define SUBWINDOW_X .5*(WINDOW_WIDTH-SUBWINDOW_WIDTH) #define SUBWINDOW_Y .5*(WINDOW_HEIGHT-SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT) SUBWINDOWBLACK( SUBWINDOW_X, SUBWINDOW_Y, SUBWINDOW_WIDTH, SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT, "ERROR" ) CVARLABEL( SUBWINDOW_X+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+16, (SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-12, 154, "com_errorMessage", .2, ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT, 0, 8 ) LABEL( SUBWINDOW_X+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+160, (SUBWINDOW_WIDTH)-12, 80, "For Empty-CD-Key Error and / or missing punkbuster files look on http://ETKEY.ORG",.2,ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT,0,8 ) BUTTON( SUBWINDOW_X+10, SUBWINDOW_Y+SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT-48, .5*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18), 18, "^7Visit ^1ETKey.org", .23, 11, close quit ; close ingame_main; uiScript validate_openURL ) BUTTON( SUBWINDOW_X+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT-24, .5*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18), 18, "BACK", .3, 14, uiScript clearError ; close popupError ; open main ) BUTTON( SUBWINDOW_X+6+.5*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18)+6, SUBWINDOW_Y+SUBWINDOW_HEIGHT-24, .5*(SUBWINDOW_WIDTH-18), 18, "RECONNECT", .3, 14, uiScript clearError ; close popupError ; close backgroundmusic ; close background_1 ; uiScript reconnect ) }
  2. Maybe this could help some new player: A little pk3, placed in the mod folder of the server (and ofc. fastDL :) ) , which changes the error message to something like this: You can get this pk3 here Furthermore I added an easy installer (thx. to Harlekin) to the page, so everybody should be able to installing a valid PB service and ofc. a "valid" ETKEY.
  3. At http://etkey.org you can generate an etkey which will work on server not demanding a minimum GUID age.
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