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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Rodeo Bob, thank you for your reply. I have posted on here as my son asked me to read the posts and give my point of view. Yes he young which is why he innocently asked a question. With the experience of age I am sure he would have been able to phrase it in such a way that he would not hav had his streaming capabilities taken away permanently. He does not support cheats. His friend had cheats on his pc (not knowing how to use them luckily) and was banned. My son explained that he cannot play on steaming servers if he was banned. The friend in question did not want to cheat, he just wants to play, sometimes things get downloaded in error or inadvertantly. His friend would not be cheating and my son would certainly not want someone in his clan who was a cheat. Even if you will not let him stream again I would like you to understand that he is not a cheat and does not support them. He is not too young to be playing but maybe his vocabularly is a bit young to converse eloquently with you guys. Sometimes we have to encourage youngsters and support them not beat them with sticks. At least he is not out drinking WKD and spraying rubbish on walls! lol. Many thanks again Rodeo Bob. Vert's Mum
  2. Thanks for your help and support. I do hope you don't ever have a 15 year old who naively asks a question to someone with greater knowledge. With best regards. Vert's Mum.
  3. When I said he pays out his paper round money I did not mean for this site, I meant for the server and web hosting. Sorry, I am not very up on this stuff! Vert's Mum.
  4. Hi, thanks for replying. I dont believe I said he pays for anything. I also dont believe he or I said he had cheats on his pc, he was referring to a friend of his. I am sure you could find it within your self to be a touch more lenient. Surely if he was cheating he would not have publicly posted to say so?! He asked an innocent question and has now been punished for his honesty.
  5. Hi, I think you have misunderstood my son and are punishing him unduly. He asked an innocent question regarding his friend who unbeknownst to him had hacks on his pc. My son does not support cheats or hackers. He pays for this out of his hard earned paper round money and just wants to be able to stream. Therefore can you give him his account back. I assure you he does not support cheats. Thanks Vert's Mum.
  6. Why would you do that, your being a petty child, just because i WANT to stop streaming, doesnt mean i support cheats......i think you ned to sort it out mate.
  7. Even with you streaming there will be a hack that some one has devloped that is not decteded, so you are not procetected fully, but more to teh point thanks and i think it has worked, also i probally will get it re-streamed in a few days lol.....
  8. Lol, my mate dont hack, he had hacks on his pc not knowing how to use them i was there and i laughed at him, i do not support hackers, but i would like him to be able to play on my public without having to buy a new GUID and get anotehr ip......
  9. Hi, How do i stop my server beign streamed ? as i have a mate whom hacked but needs a new guid as he had em on his pc and is banned, so i want him to be able to play so i wanna stop streaming. how do i do it?
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