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Posts posted by Piggy

  1. http://blogs.battlefield.com/2012/03/ps3-update-live/



    Today, we are also offering 10 different shortcut items for sale for Battlefield 3 on PS3. If you’re new to the game, this is the perfect way to gain some ground on the veterans online. Or if you’d love to get some more air time in the jets but want to equip those AA missiles straight away, this is for you.


    The 10 shortcut items are available now from the PlayStation Store and the in-game store and include these:

    Kit Shortcut Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items unique to the four playable classes

    Vehicle Shortcut Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items for all vehicles

    The Ultimate Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items from all other available shortcut packs


    If this comes to PC I am officially done with BF3, and DICE.

  2. Did they fix two things thou


    Can you use MMB for recording audio now? It didn't detect mouse inputs before.


    Did they fix how videos are recorded? If I ever used an uncompressed format, or anything VLC can't open it.

  3. My initial impressions:


    - I HATE ORIGINAgree entirely

    - I HATE having to waste resources on keeping browser windows and ancillary programs running in the background.Agree aswell

    - I HATE having to wait DAYS after I purchase Karkland before I can get it.I bought limited edition so I dont know how this is

    - Knifing is crap, prefer the BF2/BF2142/BC2 way rather than always having to be behind someone.I prefer it to, but it keeps people from only knifing, just like they did on BF2/BF2142, BC2 has a knife animation so I dont know what you mean there

    - Knifing from behind when someone is prone is a hit/miss affair.ALWAYS hits for me, only thing I hate is a delay in the amount of times you can do it in succession

    - Honestly, who likes the knifing cinematics in a FPS game which leaves you vulnerable - NO ONE.I do gives me a chance to actually SAVE my teammate

    - STILL getting hooked up on small crap that you'd normally step over without a second thought.It's like this in EVERY FPS game nowadays, old school games had more blocky appeal so it was harder to get caught on.

    - Sprinting is unrealistic WAAAAYYY too fast. It's SPRINTING, what do you expect? Run, but hey its easy for that sniper to shoot you in the face need to have a happy medium here

    - HATE unlocks PERIOD. Should start out with everything and get stuff taken away as you progress - then you'd see real skill.Ok this makes ABSOLUTELY no sense, since it's been like this in EVERY Battlefield game (afaik correct me if Im wrong) perhaps you're playing the wrong game

    - should get red dot scope BEFORE 4x or better.Ya it is kinda stupid that I get red dot near last on some guns

    - unless you have the latest and greatest CPU and GPU, this game sucks because you won't see anyone until after they kill you.Not true, that is usually connection related

    - vehicles are better than BC2 but I still prefer the ease of flying choppers and planes in BFV (the original)I prefer the flying to BF2, least I can barrel roll a chopper or fly at least somewhat high

    - too much crap in the arsenal.... more than 4/5 keys worth detracts from the game and just gets confusing.Dont know what this means.

    - Having to specify the loadout AGAIN when you swap teams is so BF2142 and so LAME.Different team, different guns, pretty common.

    - Cheaters are still raping in servers. So many in fact that I almost returned the game to the store in disgust. Still might.I've seen ONE hacker in my entire gameplay time, and he got banned right away so,

    - Game play under Frostbite 2 seems good and smooth but still occasionally freezes or gets stuck on the "loading" screen.It worked fine until a couple patches ago

    - Punkbuster client logging non-functional and broken.Dont know what this is

    - Maps are good.Really? I hate the maps thats why I play nothing but B2K now.


    Agree with you for the most part, except for some weird things.

  4. I have a feeling they don't want people to cancel pre-orders because their PC can't handle 64 players. Even at 32 players, the alpha was hard on my i5-2500K and GF 460GTX.


    Looking at BC2, it runs smoother with 24 players, MoH was 24 players, BF3 TDM is 24 players, consoles are 24 players. 24 seems to be the magic number with lower to mid range systems and I think many will get a rude awaking when they try to play on 64 player server in BF3.


    Or at least until it gets optimized and has the kinks ironed out.

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