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Everything posted by frosty_t4obf2

  1. hey guys! Our clan server is streaming to pbbans now =) thank you it works =) But I have another question : I have many same screenshots like that (see attached file) . there are different players (from one clan) with same picture on SS. Can you tell me what is it? Is this SS blocker or its a video driver bug?
  2. This is free? :rolleyes:
  3. Ok, but why there is no sky? Im confused :blink: I found a pb screenshot with multi-hack (?) there is black sky too I think that these SS are same. Or not?
  4. Hi all! First of all, I'm from Russia and have some problems with English language,so please don't complain about my English :rolleyes: . There is a screenshot and i cant understand whats wrong with it. I think this player, named Aleck-sej, use nofog hack. Can you tell me he is a cheater or he is clean and banning him was my fault? Thank you,
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