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Everything posted by 00ELric00

  1. The Server is in a Datacenter. This is our Root Server. I only made the Mistake that i registerd from the Root Server via Internet.
  2. And I have to do what, now????
  3. How do i a Re-apply. Always i click on "Account Application" - "Continue" i get this Message: "You have already applied for admin status but your application was denied." Do i have to create a new Account??
  4. Hi there. I tried to get an Account here. You denied it. The Problem is that i started my Answer from our Root Server. So the IP-Adress of my Topic was the same as our Gameserver. "Your appliaction has been denied, cause you have the same IP as your server. This is not allowed for streaming here. Please review the Streaming Application Requirements along with the PBBans Terms of Service. " Please give me an information how i can get this Account now. thx
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