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About REM

  • Birthday 06/29/1968

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    Team Warfare League
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  1. Thanks I punched in the command and got a nice list. It was reassuring at least to see that something is in there.
  2. As far as I can tell from AMBL. I'm not trying to be a pain here but the whole configuration thing is very confusing. It is like trying to learn a new language. You have your PBBans, your PsB, your PB which is by the way aka Even Balance. It took a week just figuring out these were different entities with the exception of PB/EB. The last time I saw this much PB was lunch time at daycare! :P
  3. I have some kind of short list under pbsvuser but after every line it says "NOT_FOUND" (quotes added). Some of the entries are in quotes some are not.
  4. Thanks for replying but what I really want to know is if the md5 checks on the server are properly set up. Since I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for I am asking if someone could please tell me what I should be looking for.
  5. Hi, I kinda read a help topic on this, however it looked like it was out of date as the directions did not match what was coming up. I would like to make sure that the server is doing the md5/cvar checks but I don't know exactly what I am looking for. The help showed a config and it had some cvar stuff in it. Is that all for the cvars? I did not see anything on the md5 checks. Can anyone help out please?
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