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Call of Duty 4
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Are you a Server Admin?
Wish to Stream to PBBans?
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Oh sorry, Calll of Duty 4 IP is my server I appreciate all your feedback. I modeled my servers rules after a server Clan I played on previously and they didn't actually have a tiny program to do the work for them but they kept the insults, swearing to zero, and it was one classy server. People came on there after 1st visit knew "common respect & non-offensive language is a requirement on this server or they will boot you in a heartbeat" Some have complained about my restraining trash talk and others immediately chimed in "some members find it offensive and enjoy this server for that reason" so there are places to talk however you want and places you are required to respect people and when you go there you know when you shoot someone, they wont say to you as I was once told: "you SOB, I am going to f u in the a until you love it." The guy took all the time to type that, now THAT IS FUNNY. Personally, I am 51, brought up 2 kids already and seen everything 2X, I talk trash when I am looking at monitor on occasion, but I do NOT take the time to type it. To type something so FAR OUT THERE (as above) that it is actually now an example of something to laugh at for that server as that is what that server stands for/has a rep for/you can expect to be talked to when U play on it. R U supposed to reply? No thx............ If you are a server Admin, what do you want YOUR SERVER's rep to have? Common respect and no swearing/offensive language to all players required on THAT server? YEAH, THAT IS MY SERVER, both my sons are Engineers so I seem to have pretty good ideas somewhere. The only reason I make such a point of that, is people say "U f'n a$$h__e" to someone for no worthy reason, I do not want those people on MY SERVER EVEN IF IT SHUTS DOWN. I have kids as young as 9 on there, they should not see that. Thats my server and I'm sticking to it B) Wolfman2008
Well I would like to thank all of you for teaching someone new topics/issues with the Server Admin Streaming business. It seems to me, please someone tell me if I am wrong, PBbans is fine to cover all checks for hackers and that adding Punkbuster or AON streaming is just a waste of bandwidth? Why do so many Admins run 2 or all 3 through their server then? I am totally confused but like things simple so not going to add anything. I put in 2 applications to Punkbusted.com and they never replied back to me on either so maybe they do not like where I rent my server or they dont like me. I give up on Punkbusted.com, I wanted to join as their site has what looks like lots of great tools and reads as another primary reason but I guess they are not going to allow that to happen. They seem to be terribly disorganized. Makes me angry though they not even reply TWICE. They give you a # "to sign in with until you get your permanent approval" but that # does not athorize you to do anything at all and you cannot get on their site with it. I do not know why they tell you such things when they simply are NOT TRUE. Why go out of your way to confuse people and give them false info? I get no traffic on my Call of Duty 4 server so I suppose it is all not really too important unless another game comes up that I rent a server for. I cannot see keeping my server up much longer as no one comes by. Wolfman2008
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare No Mods. I do not permit swearing or any disrespectful activity, real stickler, have a computer program like the one for "Bad Names", well, this one is for Bad Words that gives them 2 warnings then bans them with message to write me if feel unfair. I also have scrolling msg that explains "Computer program monitors language, executes commands, you give it the input, it will give you the output, please do not test it" Lot people like that atmosphere and there are little kids come one there I think sometimes. One guy who comes to ours, have not seen for awhile but he claimed to be 9. But yeah if I don't get some more people I am going to have shut it down. Wolfman2008
Hi, My traffic went up significantly when I started streaming Pbbans, and everyone liked it was coming back etc and some do. On average though my server has a major traffic issue and I will have no choice but to shut it down at this rate. Any ideas on how to fix it? I have paid 3 months now and streamed probably 1 of those 3. My 2 sons are ones wanted me to do this so now I do all the setting up and getting setup with Pbbans, I am going to have to shut it down as paying and no one comes to MANIACS_TEAM_DMHC Wolfman2008
LOL :mellow: Wolfman2008 ________________________________________________________________________________ __ There is a fine line between a hobby and mental illness HAHAAHAHA
Hi Relentless, I think within your server.cfg file make it run an exe someone writes in C++ or Visual C++, and have that file check that each nick has an associated GUID# so that the first nick that doesn't have one, it bans the person by his CD key and GUID #. Also have each nick checked to see if it grows B 4 U let it go as you say, it is not going to violate anything with the original 1st signon, it is the growth nicks without GUID's I used to be really sharp at Visual C++, if I was given TOO MUCH time and explained a little technical info that is fed as a person is signed on, I could do such a thing. The program would not be that hard once had a full understanding of sign on process. I suppose I am wasting your time. I always try to help and I know how badly you want a solution yesterday for this nice fellow but he is not going to just stick with you, he will hit others, this is a very serious issue. Sorry for wasting your time, Wolfman2008 :blink:
Well I was under the impression that PunkBuster had a couple things they streamed that Pbbans did not. Possibly my impression is incorrect and I do not need to dual stream. Specifically, I was told, PB has a process called "PB Banding" which is pretty new and also a help to your server. I just thought, due to the fact I really feel strongly the cheaters are winning from what I see on my site daily and nothing "picks their cheating up", I will do ANYTHING POSSIBLE even if it is a 10 per-cent improvement. Now if there is NO improvement at all, obviously I am not going to waste my time getting it as that fellow is exactly correct, I wanted to dual stream and Punkbusted.com won't talk to me. The rest is optional reading and can be skipped: :o I give you one example of cheating on my site where I ban a player after he leaves as he offers no explanation to me as to why he has zero second spawn time and spawns INSTANTLY exactly where he was killed(I mean 1/10th of a second) 3 times in a row. I explain a bit, what is it Pipe map with big bldg where you can go underground to tunnel in very center? Well I am parked in crouch as know he is coming through side door way in dark corner. He comes running in and I kill him, he reappears instantly yet still doesn't know where I am so I decide well I kill again and do, and exact same thing happens again and this time he has located me and kills me. I request explanation as to why he has a zero second spawn time and why does he spawn right where he died INSTANTLY? He said because there is no spawn time noob.........he does not know I Admin, I tell him no, that is not correct nor good enough explanation, I set the spawn time myself at 6 seconds and a couple players chime in "that is what I am held to", now he brought 2 friends in with him that have already hit the trail in fear of losing a CD Key, he does not reply, I ask him "up and above that, YOU ARE spawning EXACTLY where you die? I give you last chance to explain yourself, I am the Admin and I set spawn time at 6 seconds. Poof he is gone. Now something different happens every night to this magnitude, and every time a player is too good to be true his screen shots are ALWAYS 100% BLACK, it is no longer a coincidence. So I go around trying to improve finding myself getting down on myself for not improving when in fact, it is not me at all, it is the fact the game is now being lost to the cheaters like Far Cry and Crysis. It will take a bit time to get THAT bad but we are going there, don't anybody try to fool themselves, Xbox 360 get hacked also? I am about ready to throw in the towel on COD 4, you go to a random site with 35 players and the guy will have 116 kills at the top..........I am sorry, he did not call in the many helicopters, Activision, try as they may, is going to lose their game slow and sure. Remember where you heard it, Wolfman2008
Now I already know the answer is yes but I put an application into Punkbusted.com and they denied it for no website. I put up a Webpage up in 10 minutes and re-registered, it said: "use your # you used to link through e-mail we gave you as we already have you as attempting to register so contact us with that number for all correspondance" Well I must be dumb, as that # is totally useless they say to sign in temporarily using that #, it won't let me. MINOR PROBLEM!!!!! I wrote Webmaster, I replied to the denial letter from tukker, I am in need of some one on here that knows and ADMIN ON PUNKBUSTER AND TELL THEM they have a Admin with a server currently streaming Pbbans wishing to stream Punkbuter that has been trying to make contact with you every way he can think of and NOTHING IS WORKING. I have the Webpage, I meet their requirements, I met RodeoBob at first contact and he had my server streaming Pbbans in 5 minutes, it WAS SO easy and he was so helpful. I am sure if someone from here would just tell them to contact me, I would get similar treatment, they just have my file all messed up. Wolfman2008 Server MANIACS_TEAM_DMHC
I have a rented server with a console. I wish to have PBBans stream to my server. I have COD4 rev 1.5 Modern Warfare no mods and I have been using a program called RconMax written by Nikita in the UK, it has its own link to PunkBuster but it never gets there and it is not my Router which Nikita has fallen to only possible thing as talk to him on TeamSpeak for hours. I have read his manual, I have read Punkbuster for Admins, I have tried some of the angles listed here and fell on my face every time. I know myself pretty well and I am just NOT going to get my server streaming Punkbuster ever on my own. I have rented from 2 server companies and they don't know how to do it, how am I supposed to know more then my Tech Support at 2 diff places as I tried renting from another that said "oh yes we can arrange all of that", yet I ended up only doubling my ping and they know nothing about your site or true PB Streaming so that is 2 server rental companies totally in the dark, not even aware of your SITES or the TRUE MEANING of it all. I need help from someone who knows what they are doing. I am an engineer so will understand the technical parts once shown but on my own? No way, it will never happen, you know how you are working on your car and get in trouble and call your pal, he comes over and helps you? I don't have any pals to call. I guess I am hoping an Admin that was once in my position sends me a PM and says "I will give you a hand", otherwise, I am in over my head and going to have to shut the server down. Wolfman2008
I have a COD4 Server rev 1.5 on Gamespy.com and would like to stream as many different processess PBBans streams to screen bots and hackers off my server. Maybe I am dumb, I thought I would come to the site, file an application for this service, then one foot in front of the other type thing. Is it more complicated? You at PBBans have all my contact and peronal information. You said you needed a web page and did my best to get you one, I could not get it to come up, I have only had the server a couple months and traffic is very low. My tech support is currently closed but if you absolutely need a web page, I can give you that one. I have called them and posted pics to sell stuff on e-bay on it so know it is there and works. That also affects the tag, I mean I listed |Mc| which is what our team will use if we ever get a team, right now it is me and my son. Sure would like your help badly. Wolfman2008