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Everything posted by Blu3W

  1. Hey guys, i just brought a server again and want to stream to to PBBans. The problem is when i got to put the information in it say's i belong to a team already, cause i have streamed a server before. How can i get around this? Gareth
  2. OK cheers guys
  3. Hey i was just woundering if the following config command is allowed or not, cause i know on some games that the command is banned. cg_fov 80
  4. aww cheers man, many thanks. Knew i saw it somewhere :)
  5. you know like the TV's in Boardcast and that, thats what i mean im unable to break them and i also found more info out. its only people that run vista and any 8000 cards..... i know their is a command to sort it out though
  6. god dam it needs fixing
  7. i found it somewhere before and now i cant remember where, but their is a code/ command line for it which has to be put into console
  8. yes i am on about that, but with the 8000 type graphics cards, their is a code missing which stops you doing so... you have to type something in to your console for it to work and i cant remember what the code is and thats what i need.
  9. Hey guys i know their is a code or something for 8000 nvidia card holders, that dont work when you first get the card and that. Its to allow you smash the screens and that... can anyone remember the code to be able to brake them, as i cant seem to find it anywhere
  10. all fixed. seemed to be a bug or something in my game folder as once i uninstalled and reinstalled the game its was fine. Also did a reinstall on PB Services.
  11. that doesnt seem to be it, if their is anything else anyone else knows about please let me know :)
  12. Ummm, the strange thing is i changed my settings the other day so i didnt get black screenshots so im gonna chance that again and see what happends, if that is the case ill get back and tell ya, but the sound card thing i fixed already :) something i had to do when i first reinstalled to get the game to load
  13. Hey guys, that time again where things are going wrong for me. This time i continuely have crashes with my cod 4 now. I start play join a server and after about 1 min, i get my game go small and a error message saying iw3mp.exe is not working, and i have to close it. This only just started, need the help badly. Thanks in advance Blu3W
  14. oh yeah duhhhhhhh, forgot lol
  15. If someone could tell me what
  16. Well i had to do the same for CoD UO also, and they dont return Blacks now seems to work fine here now :)
  17. ill try throw
  18. Thanks for the quick reply pal. All done hope for the best now
  19. Hey guys, i just got myself a new computer the other day and i was just going though the PBSS that was taken dueing a couple of our matches when i found out mine was black. I remember it being something with in the NVIDIA Control panel but i cant remember want Anti Aliaising it was that had to be changed. Can someone post a ss of what the settings should be please, or just tell me what they are. By the way im running a 8600GT graphics card. Thanks for any help Blu3W
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