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    Iron Knights
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  1. ok well, there was an update for my ATI card on the 16th of last month, i believe. I installed and NOW 50% screen shots are normal and 50% are black. Which is typical. I made some legal modifications to some files to force directx 10? So im concerned these regedit's might interfere with that possibly. If anyone can determine they wont, I might try and go ahead with it. But as of now 50/50 is better then none =) thanks for your time and consideration though, much appreciated. i'll show my clan your website if they havent already checked it out. We are much concerned with Hax.
  2. hello everyone, i am new to this forum and this is why it brings me here. I am running an ATI radeon 2400 HD... which is a crap ass video card... And windows vista... I have seen fixes for nvidia but no ATI fixes ANYWHERE. Its not a HUGE issue, i plan on getting an nvidia card eventually, but just wondering if its even possible to fix, Thanks. P.S. I mainly play AA which is where the issue is. But i also play BF2, BF2142, and COD4, and not sure if the others have the same issue, its never been looked into with the others.
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