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About UniBoNGeR

  • Birthday 01/30/1975

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    BEER! Video games, and BEER!<br /><br />Microbrew for the microfew here in Wisconsin. Keep ya warm and drunk in these long cold winters. :)
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    We have too many!
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. Right on, happy to be back! Got our first ban just 20 mins ago on BF3! Here's to many many more! :D Cheers guys, and again thanks for your help in getting this fixed. He says they didn't open any ports but as long as it works im happy!
  2. Ya they just keep telling me to do this over and over: http://www.nfoservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4345 Which I have done now 3 times. The files are on the server in the PB folder, I can see them there. Everything is as it should be yet no streaming. Im beyond frustration at this point to say the least. They just keep saying, well we have plenty of other servers streaming just fine, you must not have done something right. Ughhhhhhhhh Unless I have the wrong port listed I don't know what else to do. Repeating the setup process over and over again is not going to solve the problem.
  3. Thanks I'll pass this along to them. As of now they just keep telling me I need to run the install process again which I have done many times. The files are on the server in the PB folder so it should be streaming. I give up at this point. Hopefully they can figure out something.
  4. Ok man, thanks. I will pass this along and see what they say. Its NFO servers so I would think they would know whats up. Seems something is blocking the server because I was able to run the automated hub setup in the beginning and all the needed files for streaming are present on the server yet it won't stream and now when I try to "re install" the streaming it wont' connect, just get error timed out message. Hope somebody can get this resolved as I have never had any issues streaming here and would like to continue. Thanks again.
  5. Nope like I said I did the manual process also, all the commands went through just fine however still no streaming. Server shows in battlelog as well. From my GSP: We've been seeing customers having trouble with PBBans and Gametracker, but generally the consensus is that they keep trying and eventually it works. The system is exactly the same from one server to another, so there's nothing on our end preventing you from connecting. Thanks, Joshua Support Tech So basically its he said she said at this point with no solution. They say its your end, you say its there end. Where does it end? LOL Well looks like I will no longer be streaming here then since nobody can help me. Thanks anyway.
  6. I see this error while setting it up, what does this mean? PunkBuster Server: Critical Error - Local File c:\servers\drunkbf1\bf3\pb\htm\wa001385.htm Not Found
  7. Just did the manual steps in the second link, still no streaming.
  8. Well I already ran the hub setup and it worked the first time. The files are still on the server. I just tried to run it again and am getting this error: [iNIT] Opening connection ... ********************************ERROR******************************** Connection timed out: connect Also I cannot access the last link you provided, says forum can't find link?
  9. He says its default 25200 which I've already tried, but I re did the server now with 25200 as the port. He also gave me this if this helps drunkbf1.game.nfoservers.com:25200
  10. Ok just got a reply from my host: The query port is 47200 just as the rcon port. After that though it would be a crapshoot to find. Their website may have better help options. Whats the next step?
  11. Yeah just figured it was easier to ask here rather then start a new thread and actually I tried all his fixes first. LOL Ok I will get that info and see what happens. Thanks!
  12. Could you possibly take a look at my server as well? Setup went fine with the hub but it says server is not streaming. [server XML Data] Never Battlefield 3 DrunkenMasters BF3 Have tried ports 19567, 25200, 47200 all with no success so not sure what I need to do from here. Thanks!
  13. Ok thanks, yes I have signed up and have a paid account at evenbalance. Is that all I need to do? Do you know how it works? Will it kick players trying to use my registered tag? Thanks alot!
  14. Hello, I was wondering if PBBans supports protected clan tags and if so what do I need to put into my configuration files to ensure my tags are safe? I have another group that has decided to try and use my clan tags -{DM}- which is my group the DrunkenMasters. www.drunkenmasters.us Thank You
  15. Hi my servers have all stopped streaming and im getting the following error, can you tell me what went wrong? -> ^3PunkBuster Server: PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbhub1"@ [] Thanks
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