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About si10012000

  • Birthday 01/27/1978

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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. Yeah cheers for your help good to know sum protection is back \thank god server provider reinstalled PB without any bullsh*t lol
  2. ok will do cheers for the help
  3. hi here is the response i got from the Auto Hub
  4. Cheers buff for speedy reply However i did try all these things and again since ur response before you suggested them is there any way of totally wiping my/our server and then me trying to set the server up again our server has shown 13 players banned will they still be banned if this is the solution i just wanna help in catching the cheating idiots and also want a decent way to protect the -=KDL=- server we run whilst also safeguarding our regular visitors Cheers for the help and any future answers in this matter \si
  5. Hi guys, Glad to see you back up and running. But i do have a problem like others have had Since the numbnuts attacked u and u have got running again my server will not stream i have read several other posts with the same issues and have tried all the things and links suggested to get it back up and running to no avail This is why after 12 hours of trying today i am asking for a little more help if that is possible cheers Si
  6. sorry to be dumb where do i find this file
  7. Hi merlin Yes i entered that in the console before i got the stated message above mate
  8. Done everything right now all I get and i was the one who registered and all my clan members get is a punkbuster message on the screen saying PB MESSAGE -[KDL]- RESTRICTED/REGISTERED TAGS then kicked :angry: PLEASE HELP SERVER IS STREMING AND SERVER IS FOR 2142
  9. I know it aint much but $20 from -[KDL]- Keep up the good work and dont let the critics get ya down for ONE DAY THEY WILL FIND THEMSAELVES AND WISH THEY HADN'T :D I dont know how many times i been violated since hub not on :blink: :o :unsure: But your best protection out there so what is it they say ahhh yes PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE
  10. is it down again or have i messed uo ????
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