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  1. I've resorted to playing in only a few servers that have admin on them, it's pretty sad you have to resort to this. Everyone I have reported to EA that are blantly cheating and are still playing after months that I reported it, EA's in game reporting system is a waste of time. But they are resetting people for stat padding, I see them crying in the EA forums about it.
  2. Wasting your banwidth? Thanks for your wasting banwidth input and this is funny considering I have made paypal donations to this server in the past and rarely have ever posted. Anyhow sorry for wasting all your bandwidth ;) I don't think you can just change your name, your player name is your account name. I have not clue as to what happened. I know he was reported by quite a few people and his name did change a couple days later...
  3. You think some how they would of been smarter this time around after what happened in BF2, like this guy ranked up in 2hrs. You think this would set off some kind of alarm down at HQ. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/soldier/Mikk_CH/stats/745937061/
  4. I reported him again to EA and gave them the link to his new name. I'm keeping his PS3 name just incase it's harder to track him next time. Sad, I mean what's it going to come down to, whoever has the best cheat wins? Why need to have cheating servers where they can play and cheat all day long while having loads of fun and then straight player servers where we can play on a level playing field and have fun too... Seems like the cheats are getting more & more sofistcated. Have you seen the BF3 farm bot on youtube, lol
  5. Explain this to me, This guy iemememuncher was banned by EA yesterday after me and a few other people reported him for cheating now all it does is it redirects to his new name so he never was really banned... http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/Iemememuncher/stats/350396810/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] What's the sense in reporting anyone if all they do is get a new name keep there stats and keep cheating?
  6. No, all three of there names were named after the site they came from which sells cheats and the match before the one guy had 44/0 and the server was full 32/32, when I left I said have fun playing with yourselves because thats all that was left...:P
  7. Seems like there are more cheaters in BC2 PBBANS servers than non streaming servers lately it's like they are out to try and prove a point or something... Images removed by admin: no need to advertise for a cheat site :P
  8. Thanks :D Selling him, She only had one my male was only 6 months old when they mated and the vet said his sperm count was probably to low for her to even have them this time, I can't feel anything else moving in her belly... Maybe I'll breed her one more time in 6 months I was hopeing she would have around 4 pups this time.
  9. She just had her first one about an hour ago it's almost as small as a mouse :) Him next to a Quarter :P
  10. Hey thx guys It works now!!!
  11. Ok thx, I will add it to the ticket.
  12. Just tried download the folder contents and everything I was denied the contents I couldn't see, I never used a FTP client is there a trick to it? Thanks Mark
  13. I just got it figured out how to take Screen shots using PB_SV_GETSS "Name" out of 50 screens only 2 have gone through this has been like this for the last day or so. In IE I get (Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage) In NetScape, When I go to the FTP Directory svss and click on them it says this, Like I said I can only see 2 out of 50?
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