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Everything posted by Kaiser68

  1. Many tanks for quickly reply. This player now is be completely removed from our clan/roster and the team account is suspended. I have send a pm to Lucky_Fr4gg3r . :rolleyes: tnx !!!
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: hi !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I have read this message on my last login to pbban: ** Access Denied ** Account 3492 is suspended. Please contact a PBBans admin for further assistance. ----------------------------------- I am admin and founder of italian CoD4 Clan : Clan V for Vendetta (www.v4v.it.gg) Clan Server ip : The server result not in streaming whith pbhub ... One member of my clan is banned by pbhub ([V4V]Gianpy),the appeal on this ban result denied. This member is now out of my Clan. Could somebody explain me please ? Plese help me for a solution... Many tanks for reaply !!!
  3. The server is now in streming(my critical fault). My doubt is for what motive Accaunt manager not present the new ip of my server but still the old one. :o :o :o
  4. :o :o :o SORRY. ..i resolved the problem alone ... many thanks ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  5. Hello to all! ;) This is my problem : I ask to my rent to give a new machine/ip in exchange for the old one (which was in streaming with pbhub). A time entered in my server management : I added the new server (and new ip). I canceled the old one. Via FTP in the folder of PB of a new server, I added PBUSE and PBSV . I connect to my new server for pb_sv_restart. After all mine new server is not in STREAMING pb_sv_uconlist do not has server in streaming (not any server pointed out in streaming). PB on server is updated to the last relase. Accaunt manager not present the new ip of my server but still the old one. My name login changed color from green to dark blue?????? A fine mess. ...you can help me? :o
  6. :lol: hi all !!! Great program by degrees potential '. A good aid to war against cheaters ... :lol:
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