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  1. You wont be able to see traces of the editing program when you view it in a hex editor or notepad; but trust me, it can be done.
  2. There are programs that can edit ss and still appear genuine; there is only one real way of verifying ;)
  3. I dont know who you are referring to; I was simply replying to Warmonkeys comments who critised the other site for banning people; yet the very same goes on here, so it wasnt a valid argument.
  4. I see you still reply without actually answering any questions :roll: You didnt have to mention Clanwarz, considering the professional post you have on the front page it was a fair assumption. What they do with thier site and servers is entirely there business. As for Johnny_Q as he was known; he was banned for the very same reasons as you, acting like a 4 year old - glad to see hes at home here. So raising this issue was a non starter.
  5. Full of it still I see Warmonkey? :roll: They dont delete accounts; they do however block ip address of those that become childish (that includes you with your petty attacks that are totally unfounded) This site DOES deletes accounts/posts and IP's so wheres your logic? I happen to know several Admins at the other site have had this done. As for Clanwarz, well they have just seen the level of professionalism of some of the staff here and you drove them away so you only have yourselves to blame there. The other site would not ban accounts for people streaming here; I suggest you get your facts right or rather reveal the ACTUAL truth rather than your childish version of it.
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