I'm looking for an feature/script that can be enabled so that whenever someone joins in our servers, an automatic console message similar to this:
Welcome *xyxyxyx to the =LB=24/7 HC TDM #1 Server" *=players name
I realize there's apparently a Callback_PlayerConnect() section somewhere??!!
In this section there's a parameter (seen below) that can be added that will facilitate this functionality
self iprintlnbold ("Hello" + + "Welcome to the =LB=24/7 HC TDM #1 Server");
Do I need to have a mod installed for this? I'm pretty sure that I have visited normal ranked, hardcore servers that have this functionality implemented. I'm looking for an easy step-by-step approach to this as it's been hard to find anything on this.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom on the topic?
Thanks ahead of time for your help!