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    death dealers of war
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Oh hell yeah fix it!
  2. thanks, we seem to be missing that file but i have submitted a ticket through our server company as soon as its fixed i will be streaming or final server to pbbans, many thanks.
  3. i've tried a restart on the server, not had any joy there. how do i restart with punbuster enabled, i've look around the box files and can't see anything to change to enable it. i'm quite new to this.
  4. We are curently running a 1942 modded pirates server i have tried to get the server to stream and have had no sucess as of yet. I have uploaded the pbsv.cfg and pbucon.use files to our server box but don't know how to do a pb_sv_restart through the remote manager, i have tried updateing the punkbuster through the server box and restarting the game and have had no joy. We curently have 4 other servers streaming and are keen to get our last server streaming. any help will be a great help. =[DDW]=freddy99000 DEATH DEALERS OF WAR
  5. i'm one of the three admins that have control of our servers i'm trying to find the 6 digit number for adding so we can all look around fully can you help me with this as i can't seem to find it?
  6. thanks for that, we now have our server streaming in not sure what to do next.
  7. ok thanks for that i've managed to get 1 screenshot but the picture is only part of the screen is there anyway to enlarge the screen to full size? sorry but i'm new to all this.
  8. i have tried to take a punkbuster screenshot on our streaming BF 2142 server through the bf2cc the command line i used was (pb_sv_getss "name"). it says that the command is "Custom Command Executed" and when i went into the server box to the svss folder it says that the "Screenshot transfer was incomplete.". I'm not sure if this is the right place to post but your help with this will be greatly apreached.
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