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    The Old Gits
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  1. Cheers Fozzer, added new line B) I take it this has only become a problem with version 1.6.
  2. Yes i have had same problem and happy to see this thread, its not something i have done wrong wahoo...lol anyway, erm i see people are using a work arround using pb_sv_task or sumat, could someone explain in noobs terms exactly what i have to do, ie what syntax do i need to add to what file? Thanks in advance guys. :huh:
  3. Hello Guys, new server, set to stream, md and cvar checks the set up seems ok, on this one i have used the auto set up, to stream, and ftp'ed the cvar and md checks but i feel i may have missed something, when i check the logs pb/svlogs, there is no where near as much info, ie it seems to leap a couple of mins, i dont see cvar check lists etc, i think it is missing some people joining, and i see this a lot "pb_sv_GuidRelax = 7" and i dont know what that is :blink: or if its relevant. It is set at 0 in the pbconfig. I do get the hub info i.e bans.. in case it makes any diff, i do run morkeye,from my desck top as i did with the other server, but only run morkeye on one server not two morkeye progs running... but even with that disabled i dont see any change any ideas? My appologies, found the other post regarding this and see PBBans are working on it. erm i see people are using a work arround using pb_svtask or sumat, could someone explain in noobs terms exactly what i have to do, thanks in advance. other thread can be found here pbbans.com/forums/pb-sv-guidrelax-t35501.html
  4. Hello, you guys clearly know a lot more than me about this, sooooo i have what is probably a very noobish question, i am getting our server ready to match, like you i am using the same server for public normal HC which is set up to stream here, cvar and md5 checks etc, all seems ok... i have just used my server provider option to install the pam4 mod, it did and all seems ok, i confess at this stage i am in the server by myself, but all i can check with one guy in the server seems fine. I have also just switched it back to normal HC, all this seems to have gone just fine, I know this a noobish question, but reading your posts, im concerned that all may not be well with what i am doing as i have not altered anything on the PB or cvar side of things to my knowledge, so my question is what am i missing here guys, or am i fine to do what i am doing. Please remember its a noobish guy that asks noobish questions, so be gental on me!! hehe
  5. Im direct hard wired to modem no router, but like Max no change to set up except installed latest nvidia drivers, btw i disabled all firewalls just incase it was that no change, i have found a fix for now!!! i undid the driver install so i am now on old graphic drivers again and i dont get kicked. so not sure what that has to do with anything but it now works fine again, just have to put up with old drivers. Sugestions still welcome, as i would like to be able to use latest drivers.
  6. hello all help required... system vista graphics card Gforce 7950gfx I updated my cards drivers nvidia, and now i keep getting booted by pb for ignoring queries 9006# very frustrating. i have deleted pb and installed again via pb setup.exe, also ran http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe and all went well but still getting booted. any ideas?
  7. First i would like to point out i am very impressed with the whole package here at PBBans, For feed back purposes only i would like to point out i am new totaly new to server set up,configs, pb, and the whole thing. I did find that while the tutorials info etc was VERY usefull and "held my hand" through all the set up and instalation processes, i was not sure at times if i had installed or modded everything that was needed. I have to be honest and say yes i am a noob, but even noobs detest cheaters that attempt to spoil our enjoyment of online gaming. Although i streamed the server to the hub, (again highly impressed at how user freindly the tutorials and program are) it was the following day after reading through the forums and site etc finding out what you where all talking about i.e Access to server configs, CVAR and MD5 check lists. RSS and XML Feeds for all bans. and translating it into noobish lingo that i realised i did need this and i hadnt installed this stuff and actually no cheats could be caught on my server. My point i think is a master list in noobish of the basic items required to install and what they do would be good, im sure you will provide me with where the links are now? but before you do please make sure they are on the main page and in noobish.. i.e clearly stating you need this to do this, not in headers like pat/jpat what ever that is but a header click here for what is needed. i must point out again i was highly impressed at how easy it was to do this with the tutorial and hand holding. I am sorry for the long and boring post and i hope i have made a point without anyone feeling this is critism of a superb community and program that i am wholy greatfull to, i mean hell im even a little less noobish..lol
  8. But does it do what i requested? :unsure: I was really after the .cfg input lines...
  9. Thanks syskin & kcinc0gnito, your quick and helpfull response is much appreciated. i do stream to the hub so guess its all auto.
  10. Hello i am new to all this so advice and assistance greatfully recieved. I found this in my pb cheat.log-[04.24.2008 17:42:33] VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: (blanked-out) (slot #2) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check [9b96a0a4311(blanked-out)(VALID) (Blanked-Out):28960] i have blanked out the users name because i dont know if its a cheat or not and mud sticks! 1) is this a cheat? 2) are all logs in pb cheat.log cheats? 3) should i be doing somthing with them i.e uploading them to the hub if so, a finger in the right direction please..lol? thanks in advance... :rolleyes:
  11. Hello all, Im new to this site and being an admin on a server, but thanks to the help from this site and its users it has so far been reasonably painless to set up so a big thanks to this comunity. Question to those in the know!! I currently have HC set up and certain map rotations, is it posible to auto change from hardcore to oldschool mid rotation and back again.. so for example map goes from HC pipelines to say oldschool strike then HC bog etc? any help greatfully recieved.
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