Hello Guys, new server, set to stream, md and cvar checks the set up seems ok, on this one i have used the auto set up, to stream, and ftp'ed the cvar and md checks but i feel i may have missed something,
when i check the logs pb/svlogs, there is no where near as much info, ie it seems to leap a couple of mins, i dont see cvar check lists etc, i think it is missing some people joining, and i see this a lot "pb_sv_GuidRelax = 7" and i dont know what that is :blink: or if its relevant. It is set at 0 in the pbconfig.
I do get the hub info i.e bans..
in case it makes any diff, i do run morkeye,from my desck top as i did with the other server, but only run morkeye on one server not two morkeye progs running... but even with that disabled i dont see any change
any ideas?
My appologies, found the other post regarding this and see PBBans are working on it.
erm i see people are using a work arround using pb_svtask or sumat, could someone explain in noobs terms exactly what i have to do, thanks in advance.
other thread can be found here pbbans.com/forums/pb-sv-guidrelax-t35501.html