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Everything posted by tfioi

  1. The GUID 74b3f0af is not on the Master Ban Index (MBI) lol now i have to go to GV. thnx ^^ all
  2. ill look in to it, ty. And yeah this nick "tfioi" i use it every where for a long time now :)
  3. Well i started my cod4 multi, and when i typed pb_myguid it didnt show anything Oo. And i have a dynamic IP but i can tell its from around my country may be even me lol, not sure tho.
  4. Sorry i am n00b at this, GUID?? And it was cod4 :mellow: . but if they cant stream a local ban, why did PB ban me. I am pretty sure it said something like ->"PB found you banded bla bla..." I went to that clans site, cause i played more then few games with them and asked them. One of them told me this: "we use newest GV for PB and if U r baned on any other server I think U willbe also on Our server." Sorry for the trouble btw :(
  5. I was baneded on a sevrer, not cause of cheat but personal matter with admin :rolleyes: Now all servers that use PB stream ban me automaticly (it says: dou some previuse ban PB bla bla you are banded on this sever by admins) :blink: So how can this be resolved. Its not cool that i bought this game (i dont have lots of cash) and i cant play it dou some issuse with some admin. I dont cheat, never tryed a cheat so why me :(
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