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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. yep you are right, jeeeez im such a dumbass, so is it a case of just updating the IP or should I delete the server and start again. thnx =======edit============= well just looking for myself I guess I need to delete and restart cos I dont see anywhere to update the IP =========edit 2============ Ok server is now streaming thnx maydax for pointing out my problem ;)
  2. hi all, well my clans server was located in in the USA but since im UK and space came available in london I switched to the London data center, I deleted the old server from my account and setup the new one, used the auto hub setup as before but this time the streaming has come back as inactive and not sure why. server name: -=SpecialForcesClan=- IP/Port: any suggestions? thnx
  3. thnx, just updated it to include the external lists, the way i see it is the more ban lists we can use the less hacktards will be able to join the server ;)
  4. webtool works a treat, server is streaming. Is at a good idea to check the boxes for the 2 external banlists? at the moment Ive left them blank thnx ;)
  5. Thnx guys, I have been systematically changing the sytem startup and the only thing i had running in the end was BF2 and NOD (av) and was still getting kicked.. I have now fixed the problem (well ive stayed connected to servers this time) and I think it was down to the omega drivers I was using, I uninstalled them and replaced them with proper uptodate Nvidia drivers and now I can play.....for now :) thnx for all the help and info though
  6. Im using XPpro SP3 and have been for a long time, Ive not had any problems of this nature before, Ive had the odd handshake kick and high ping kick but never API. Ive not installed any new software recently and others suggest its to do with other applications using overlay but the only thing i use like that that is xfire which is upto date and hardly ever running when i play :dunno:
  7. Soooo, Ive been playing BF2 on daily basis and now today all of sudden I get kicked every time i join a server, i get as far as join game but before I can even select a kit I kicked with the following error message... restriction: unknown API function 131125 Ive done a little searching but found no fix, lots of people have reinstalled everything from PB to BF2 and the problem has remained so I wont bother.. hopefully someone here has a fix for me :unsure:
  8. thnx benway, server is now streaming, woohoo keep out those cheaters. I really needed this working too, pbbans found 1 of my EX clan members to be a cheater via demo and I didnt want him returning after the verdict was positive ;) the reall funny thing was he protested his innocence but when offered to give his own demo of the same round it never appeared and then he wouldnt give a straight answer, he just beat around the bush.... but anyway verdict in, GUILTY and BANNED thnx guys ;)
  9. ok i wasnt sure if my admin had input the few commands via rcon that are required to get us streaming so i went ahead and inputted them myself, I got an error only on one pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart (Wait 30 seconds) pb_sv_USessionLimit 8 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update pb_sv_writecfg : PB UCON Profile not added due to duplicate profile name (pbbanshub) I took this to mean that the other admin had already inputted the commands, and when i spoke to him he said he had, but our server still does not show up as streaming to here, punksbusted is working ok, i wondered if they may some conflict in the pb files?
  10. thnx rodeobob ;) edit: server now added just waiting on approval :unsure:
  11. hi all, I want to get our EnemyTerritory: quake wars server stream here but I dont see it in the list, I do see enemy territory and i do see quake wars but not ET:qw so which one do i select?? any help appreciated ;)
  12. Hi all, we had a BF2 server streaming from here & punksbusted but we no longer run a BF2 server, we are now running Enemy Territory:quake wars ranked, were rank #2 I think. My problem is that theres no option to select when setting up a server, theres enemy territory, and theres quake wars but theres no Enemy Territory:QuakeWars can i get some input on what option I should select to get our new server streaming from pbbans. Thnx ;)
  13. thnx roadwarrior, well i finally got another reply via the support ticket saying hes on it and he'll get back to me, so ill give him a couple of days before pestering him again. I did actually point out in my original thread to him that the server was streaming and access to pbss folder was a vital part of catching cheaters, its just frustrating when you dont get a reply for days on end, even a simple "were looking into it" would of been nice... :huh:
  14. dammit :angry: ive been trying to get my SP to install tampa and let me have access to the PBss folder, I posted on the forums, he posted back saying make a support ticket, which i did, last I heard from him was 4 days ago :angry: and still no tampa or access (so frustrating).... Claims to be 24/7 support!! well i wont call names but if your a member/SP here and you fit the bill you should be ashamed of yourself...get some more staff if you cant cope :unsure: Its hard to be effective without pbss :( sorry rant over ============== oooopsie its in the sig
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