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Everything posted by Tensim

  1. Hi Firestorm, Thanks for your feedback. I play COD4. Regards
  2. Hugin, Thanks for your reply. I had completely forgotten about need for log files. That's a showstopper for my argument! Roadwarrior, Whenever I witness a cheater, I always go to the clan forums and recommend streaming to PBBans. Some come back with "PB who?" or "Yes we might". I can only try. Point is, I will promote PBBans wherever I can - I introduced my own clan admin to PBBans! I fully appreciate the life-cycle of hacks. If I thought you could foresee a cheat before it was written then I would be asking you for this week's lottery numbers... I take it admins the only people who can see details on 'clean' players? Ideally, if I have demo & pb_plist evidence of a cheater, I would consider that adequate evidence to put them on the 'suspicious list'. I'd like to see their other aliases. If they are a member of a clan, then I would like to submit my evidence to the player's clan. How about the concept of a 'You have been spotted' list? Not enough evidence (i.e. no server logs) for an outright ban, but a public warning? Perhaps too contentious?
  3. Hi all, I'm not an admin. And while I belong to a clan, I tend to play these days as a 'loner' or independant player due to odd working hours. That translates to playing on a lot of different servers. What I find enormously frustrating is witnessing (and capturing all necessary evidence of) a hacker, but not being able to do anything about it since the server does not stream to PbBans. When I check the player's (i.e. hacker's) GUID here - they usually come back clean as a whistle (I don't have admin rights, so I don't see any data returned for clean [sic] players). I appreciate you want everyone to stream to PbBans (and I personally believe PbBans has made the greatest contribution to the anti-cheat movement, so I am all for that), but I feel tremendously impotent that I, myself, cannot submit evidence of a new cheater witnessed on a non PBBans server. Surely it is in everyones interest that individuals are empowered to submit evidence of cheating irrespective of where this was witnessed. Yes, I appreciate that PBBans staff may not be drawn to the labour intensive task of studying demo's and Pb_plist's if the cheater was observed on a non-PBBan server. However, if the cheater's GUID comes up clean on PbBans, then wouldn't it be of benefit to halt that hacker even before they entered a PBBan streaming server? More worrying still is the fact that the hacker is NOT on PBBans ban list not because they have never played on a PBBan streaming server, but because they are in posession of a hack which cannot be detected. Not surely that circumstance is of interest to PBBan staff? I appreciate the blunt answer may be - "if the server doesn't stream to PBBans, then leave". If I've witnessed a cheater, then walking away doesn't do it for me - I want to chase that person down until they are rightfully on the ban list. So folks, what can you do to help frustrated individuals eager to support the AC community?
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