hello everyone menbres and pbb staff
my name is ray carlo danetti i have a problem with a link guid that links to a ban and the server that i play at *evil*( et wolfenstein banned me b/c of this link guid to me,
a long time ago me and a 2 of my cousin and a friends started to play et at the evil sever has a *good* group a few other join the movement from colombia and canada and us with in the group of my cousin and my friend ther was a bloody runner wich links to ban (http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=51891)id 51891 at some point i remenber sendin my friend a few floders of this game b/c he is just a block away and he had reformaded his comp and we have the same internet companie telecom colombia s.a the location were i play from from 1030 am to 800pm is my job and i dont know how could this be link to me i guess b/c have a dynamic ip in my job and the other person is a block away from my job and at that time my name was allways *good* danetti or *good*tp danetti all ways with danetti we stop playing with the *good* a while back allmost 3 to 4 moths ago b/c of problems with in the server my cusing stop playing and me and the person that use that name keped playing wich is the person that is close to my job i guess by having the same internet companie i got to use the same ip address he use when this ban happen im want to knwo how i go about to clean my name and bein able to show the evil admin that im clean
thanks u if u take ur time to answer this post and give me a lil help
wish all a great day