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About Frap

  • Birthday 08/19/1989

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    East Coast

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  1. Any update on this, any help is appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hello, I used to be in a clan, and they added a welcome message to my name it said "Welcome [HOF]Frap ss-hof.com defenders of respectful gaming". I have asked the leaders to take it off, and they will not take it off. I have since quit the clan, yet it still comes up on all of the servers. The leaders name is Snot, is there a way that you can take this off of my guid? If so, I can supply my guid. Thanks! ;) Frap
  3. Hello, Thank you for the fast replies. I have one more question. Are only streaming game admins allowed to set people up with their greetings? Or, can anyone set up their greeting?
  4. I am an admin in a multigaming clan, that has a Call of duty 4 server streaming PBBans. A couple of times, I have seen a message come up in the console that says "console: |PBBHub| His Rageness Loki has returned". This also comes up when "merlintime" connects to our server. How do these players get their name to come up on every PBB Server? Do they pay a fee, or are they a PBB admin? Thank you for your time, Frap
  5. Edit: Here is his name on the bans listing - I guess he got a different GUID. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=60019 He is playing/hacking with his new GUID though. He has an aim bot, wall hack, and a way to jam our RCON. I have pictures if needed. He has a way to jam our rcon, and we can't ban him.
  6. I found a hacker on a PBBans streamed server. I am not the server admin of this server, but I would like to report the hacker. Where do I do this? Sorry, I am new to this website. Edit: Here is his name on the bans listing - I guess he got a different GUID. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=60019 He is playing/hacking with his new GUID though. He has an aim bot, wall hack, and a way to jam our RCON. I have pictures if needed.
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