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  1. Ok, I'll do that, thnx for all the help and I hope this is a beginning of a beautifull relationship... :D :D Cya later my friends.
  2. Ok ok, thks again for the info but, just for the future, what do I do with the demo's I make of hackers???? Thanks.
  3. Ok, so thnx for the quick response and we are looking at the recon-programs. Now we allready used the PBb-config and we are now setting up the server. Now I have one more question, when we see a hacker on and I make a demo of him, what do I do with it to get him global-banned?? Ow yes, allmost forgot, when we run PBbans-stream, we are PURE or do we need to contact PunkBuster aswell?? Thnx a million guys. You rock!!
  4. Hey guys, After lots of thinking and talking about it, my friends and me are starting our own Clan. It will be a SOF2 and COD4-clan. Now we wanne make it as pure as possible. I will be one of the Admins there and we need some help about a good PunkBuster-config and PBbans-streaming. Also a good recon-programe would be great. If some of you can help us out, that would be so cool. It will be a great clan I bet, one to last for a very long time... Thnx in advance guys.
  5. Well, again thnx guys. I'll talk to the members on the servers I play and try to get them to stream to you guys. So there's no point of wasting my time making a demo of a hacker and try to get him. I hope you guys will get to them en get them banned from every online game. Cheers.
  6. Well guys, I wanne thank you for the fast reply's but I'm not an admin. I play a lot on different servers and I'm a member of a clan but no admin. Now wouldnt it be great that evry player who knows how to make demos and screenshots and get the hackers ID and aliases can post them here so you guys can handle them?? I mean, if you guys could see the demo I have you would probably say that he's a hacker...LoL. Now hear me out, this is just an idea to get more hackers on the ban-list. Lets say I see a hacker and send you guys a whole evidence-package and his ID, could you track him down or can you ban him by seeing the demo and stuff. If not, could members of PBBans go and track them out in servers?? Thnx guys and I allready love you, I guess....
  7. Hello, I'm new here and have a question for you guys... Cause I play COD4 a lot I've come to see a few hackers. Now I made demo's, numerous screenshots and got the guide from the hacker. I sended it all to evenbalance but got a standard answer in which they say that the cheater will probably get caught when a new upgrade from PB is made. Now, for future matters, when I see another hacker and get all the evidence, were do I go to give the evidence to you?? Another thing is comming up real fast and that is when some punk thinks he has to get real "punky" towards another player and pick a fight with him, the punk changes his name to the otherone's name and players get confused. I saw this happening a lot lately and its not funny at all but we all know how childish some can be. So what can I do about this???? Thnx in advance guys and please keep up the good work. Pimp.
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