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    Division 2 Resurrected Mercenaries
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. Well, i noticed that with cod4 there are not really that great stats around. With CS:S HLstatsX is the big thing and actually i was looking for something like that. We use currently Ultrastats which displays kind nice the top users with medal's. but its still beta, so not everything works that well. I personally like to have php based stats, since i can run it on our webserver. Statsgen is nice, but takes horrible long to compile the stats and rank the players. so you want to run it only once a day. and its windows only which is, as already mentioned, kinda bad if you don't own the server rig.
  2. butterz


    Hi, i use right now Ultrastats and its ok, but i really looks for something better. Statsgen looks promising, but it runs only on windows pc. what kind of stats are available and what you use? Is there by any change a realtime stats like HLstatsX?
  3. yes, i am not really sure why i takes so long to get an account approved. I just assume that its manual done (research etc..). 72 hours is a long time. Our last problem with PB was my own fault. So i don't blame PB for it. But yes, it takes time to get the server showing up streaming. Not sure why.
  4. Just want to say, that i found my error. Pretty lame actually. I used the wrong port. Not sure why i entered the wrong one in the first place, but now its streaming. I like Pbban since it gives these nice message to the server. But again, i am new to it and i did not got really involved with the deep facts. Altough i think that both systems perhaps better than vac i assume.
  5. Oh yes it does. Thank you.. i will check the tutorial and set it up. :) Thanks again..
  6. Hi, i just wonder if you have to take yourself a snapshot of a cheater or if this is done automatically. Also, is there an app that automatically shows this on a website? thanks alot
  7. Since i am new to this streaming thing, i do have a question. Our clan want to play TWL and so i got an account on punkbusted.com. Now i have problems to get my server streaming. Its near live. But now i found this here, which works much better. Do we need punkbusted.com too, or is one of the two already fine for streaming. Like i said, i am new to this.. thanks already :)
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