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Everything posted by warlord162

  1. Hi could you please add me as master account the other guy left the clan and I need to set up streaming for -=6thA=-
  2. tell you wot take the bloody file off me and test it ok how the hell can any one defend themselves against criticts like you
  3. hi im richo ive recently being banned on playing cod 4 i was playing red alert 3 single player with a cash trainer i droped to my desktop and forgot bout red alert and started playing cod4 then got the bann all im asking is for you guys to take the red alert file and test it and you will see that i was not cheating in cod4 my xfire is richo plz send any replys to [email protected] ty
  4. -=6thA=-Warlord Punkbuster kicked player -=6thA=-Warlord for 2mins bad or dissalowed name
  5. removing -=6thA=-Warlord b15c 2mins dissalowed name
  6. Badname list shows nothing but thank you for speedy reply
  7. One of our admins left the clan but before leaving he has done something to match server and now we cannot get in with our tags,any suggestions please.
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