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Everything posted by Mully

  1. I'm glad, I have a team in that league, good to keep things as clean as possible!
  2. Looking forward to CoD5, thanks for the info. ;)
  3. It can be a port issue, if you have a router, you need to make sure the proper ports are open. The ports that should be open are; UDP 27900 UDP 29900 TCP 80 - Client/Server Standard Port for GameSpy TCP 29900 TCP 29901 TCP 29900 - Server Standard Port (29920) UDP 27901 - Server Must be turned on in serversettings.con UDP 27901 - Server Must be turned on in serversettings.con UDP 27900 TCP 28910 TCP 4711 UDP 55123 UDP 55124 UDP 55125 UDP 1500-4999 UDP 16567
  4. Yeah, I've had the same error before. If your internet crashes, the game automatically thinks you are still playing the game or on a server, so it says your CD Key is in use.
  5. Congratulations on getting all the streaming servers, as a staff member of the [uKm] clan, I and other staff members along with the clan fully support the work that you do. Great achievement, keep up the good work!
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