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About -Joe'

  • Birthday 07/30/1980

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  • Location
    Milford, CT

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  1. welcome back!
  2. congrats!!!
  3. the pbucon info in the pbsv.cfg file. do i need to delete that entirely if all my pbucon info is in the pbucon.use file? do i edit it? or leave as originally is?
  4. i dont need the pbsvuser.cfg? and i have all my info in the pbucon.use file ready to roll so just upload the files and restart pb and i should be good to go?
  5. also if i use the pbucon.use file do i need to "call it" from one of the other 2 files?
  6. looking to get my WaW server streaming. i have others but want ot make sure this is done correctly the files i need to upload via ftp are.. 1. pbsv.cfg 2. pbsvuser.cfg got both of these off this site. question. can i just upload the pbucon.use file with my login and stream info to the pb folder via ftp? or does that info need to be in one of the above files?
  7. thanks for all the help. i added a few lines into the cfg and turned off all my filters and was able to get 2 more online. and the 2 match servers i dont care about cause their private anyway. the other 2 were prob gonna drop. thanks again for all the feedback
  8. A BPC HC RANKED: A BPC ACE MOD: A BPC EURO: A BPC TWL 1: A BPC TWL 2: A BPC S&D: A BPC HC RANKED CA: A BPC HC Extreme MOD: the only 2 that show up on the list are the Euro server and the HC RANKED w/ Ultrastats
  9. cod4 only 2 servers show up on the list ingame when searching all types and internet. we have 6 others we would like to have show up. how can we fix this? cfg issue?
  10. hey sorry for the noob question but we have several servers in our clan yet only 2 show up when searching through the game under internet, yet all on my favorites. how can we fix this so all of our servers show on the public list? what needs to be in the config? any help is greatly appreciated. thanks
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