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    Fast Action Response Team
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  1. I was talking about how to get your stats back after your account has been hacked, not getting off the MBI. Unfortunatley, there are quite a few hackers out there that like to mess with peoples stats. If you get screen shots of your stats, ea games can restore them if you've been spoofed, or your account hacked.
  2. I've been name-spoofed before, had a ban in my name with the spoofers IP and GUID from Canada (I'm not from there). Then, I was lucky enough to have my account hacked two times. The first time, I was given every gold and every medal there was including four stars, but with Colonel points. I was able to get this fixed by going through EA games. I was lucky enough to get screen shots of all my points, rank, medals etc. When I was about to get two star general on my own, my account was hacked again. This time, I received four stars and about one million negative score. I submitted a ticket to ea and they zeroed out my score completely, with no medals at all. I submitted another ticket to ea games and sent them my screen shots. I was given my score restored and my correct rank back, however I lost all my medals and time in squad leading etc. Log into ea games and submit a ticket. There is a certain path you take, I'm sure at the end it will give you the option about having a hacked account. http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/e...a=&nextlink=
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