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Everything posted by St.Sgt.Sparky

  1. You see, bluntsmoker and i used to be in the same clan together and we left the same clan together... Original brothers is no more hasn't been for quite a few months. When we left the clan together, hes been offline ever sense, if u check is account he hasn't been online sense last year. Is there anything that can be done to fix this. In the past i tried to make a new account, so i could be a master to the team and i was not allowed bc i was already with this team. Im a leader of a bf2 clan with 15+ members and need to get all our servers streaming again. If you say i need to speak to an admin, how would i go about doing that to solve this situation? Im kinda a noob if you will when it comes to this type of stuff. Im srry for being difficult, ty for your concern
  2. any word on this? I was on the irc channel yesturday speaking to an admin and he explained to me that our team info had to be updated with our clan website and what not, but he said he was having issues adding it... Let me know plz, i have a whole clan waiting for streaming servers
  3. This is our site, plz forgive me it is recently new so needs alot of work. http://gbd-clan.co.cc/ As of bluntsmoker me and him used to be in the same clan but he hasn't been online for sometime now Edit. Not sure how i would go about getting my GUID now, but my ingame name is =P2C=St.Sgt.Sparky if that helps at all Also when u go to our site there is a link on top that says members list that isn't working at the time so, u can go to the left of the page and click on menu One under the navigation and click on members list
  4. I recently got a new server today, was in the process of getting it streaming, i logged on later to check the status on it and it says my account got suspended plz contact admin. I went to the irc channel to seek help and i was told to make a post. I got no email or pm regarding the suspension.
  5. ok thanks for your help
  6. ok i finally got the server streaming, but i can't take any of the credit for that work. I went to the provider and they said just give them my pbbans info and they will do it for me:D Now im just waiting to get my mpi access back...:D tnx
  7. i apologize for being difficult, however i clicked the IRC link and had no idea what i was looking at nor any place to insert server information.Also when to the main page and i didn't see any online tool. Im kinda a nub if you will at this site, but i need a little more help ... srry tnx
  8. would be it. Thanks for replaying so quickly, if theres any complications just let me know tnx not sure if it matters or not but its a bf2 server
  9. This probably isn't the right place to post this which i apologize, but it seems i have lost my access to view players on the MPI, recently i have replaced one of my servers which now should be streaming through pbbans. From my understanding all i need to do to have access is to have a streaming server. Let me know what the problem is, thank you
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