Hello, I was just wondering if it would be possible to give me the link to the player Tw1pz demo. The link on the page is broken and I can not download it from there. Thanks
VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002 MD5Tool Mismatch: CoDMP.exe (len=2048)
MD5Tool Mismatch: Main/pak9.pk3
and some other pak's are these considered cheats or not?
Ok I already had enforce bans checked but as for 2. and 3. I did not till now
2. check the "accept md5 bans" only and manually update your banlist. (this means cvar catches will be ignored)
3. check the "accept md5 bans" and "accept cvar bans" and manually update your banlist.(some admins prefer this because it gives them a modicum of control of their servers pbbans.dat)
How exactly do I manually update the banlist and what do I put in it?
Thanks for you're help
Hello my server streams already but I never had accept md5 and cvar bans checked because I didnt know if it would ban for things like maxfps or commands like that, anyways a player was just kicked from the server for cvar wallhack 1, is that a cheat and if so can he still be banned??