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Everything posted by candyhouse

  1. I could not reply to the other topic as one of the pbbans staff locked it, so i had to start a new topic. Sorry if i am breaking any of your forum rules @Ice Man Not one penny was spent from any of the donations that BustedPunks and the white light project has had, the server which we had the pbucon system was being paid for my one of the bustedpunks supports. We have stopped doing the pbucon system we had been working on this was down to two reason. 1, It was using man power which we could be using to assist EB . 2, The supporter paying for the server was happy for BustedPunks to use the funds he donated to bustedpunks to be used for the acquisition of new hacks. Dan Would you be so kind to remove your statment as it is incorrect. Thank you Down to the other items on that topic. It is very hard for anyone to make a comment about the work that bustedpunks do if he is not part of the White Light project or part of EB, BustedPunks give out very lttle information on what we are working on (No point in giving the cheats a heads up to what we doing) As for the violation which has come about from BustedPunks we would have to ask EB if it is ok to let you have some of the violations numbers so that you could check them on your system, then you would be able to see for yourselfs, and not just take my word for it. BustedPunks does not care what you guys are up to or what any other anti cheat site is doing, what we do care about is busting cheats and when i take a quick look at your master ban index i always get a very big smile when i see all the project violations listed on it. Keep up the good work and keep pushing the bans out. All the best Candyhouse (BustedPunks White light project)
  2. It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real. Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish. You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them. And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans
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